About Orthopedics

Orthopedics is a type of medicine that deals with the muscular-skeletal systems of the body. This includes the spine, hands, knees, shoulders, elbows, knees and hips. Orthopedics uses the latest imaging techniques and diagnostics to diagnose the problem. An orthopedic surgeon often specializes in one or more areas of orthopedics. While the doctors do perform surgery, their primary function is to evaluate your situation and help eliminate pain. There are many treatments that can be recommended. Surgery is usually done only when other attempts to correct the problem have not worked. Many times exercise therapy can help to strengthen muscles and alleviate pain. Sometimes other treatments are recommended based individual patient situations. Choose a surgeon who has experience in diagnosing and treating your type of problem. Find a doctor who will understand your situation and who can help reduce your level of pain through pain management.